You have heard of little Moses 
in the bulrush,
You have heard of fearless David
and his sling;
You have heard the story told of
dreaming Joseph,
And of Jonah and the whale you
often sing.
There are many, many others
through the Bible,
I should like to meet them all,
I do declare
By and by the Lord will surely
let us meet them
At the meeting in the air.

There is going to be a meeting in the air,
In the sweet, sweet by and by;
I am going to meet you, meet you over there
In that home beyond the sky;
Such singing you will hear,
never heard by mortal ear,
Twill be glorious, I do declare
And God’s own Son
will be the leading One
At the meeting in the air.

Many things will there be missing,
in that meeting
For the mourners bench will have
no place at all;
There will never be a sermon
preached to sinners,
For the sinner had refused to
heed the call
There will be no mourning over
wayward loved ones,
There will be no lonely nights of
pleading prayer;
All our burdens and our anguish
will be lifted
At the meeting in the air.

There the doubters will be missing
All the skeptics will be absent on that day;
There will be no grumblers present
to disturb us,
And the Achans will be busy
far away,
There the saints will have His seal
upon their foreheads,
Dressed in raiment none but ransomed
ones can wear;
All who have the wedding garments
will be present
At the meeting in the air.
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