EXODUS 15:1-5 & 2COR 10:3-5

I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath 
triumphed gloriously:
the horse and his rider hath he
thrown into the sea.

The LORD is my strength my
strength and my song,
and he is become my salvation:

He is my God, and I will prepare
him an habitation;
my father\'s God, and I will exalt him.
The LORD is a man of war:
the LORD is his name.
I will exalt Him
The Lord is a man of war
the Lord is a man of war.

Pharaoh\'s chariots and his host
hath he cast into the sea:
his chosen captains also are
drowned in the Red sea.
The depths have covered them:
they sank into the bottom as a stone.

For though we walk in the flesh,
we do not war after the flesh:
For the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strong holds;

Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ;
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