My soul is lost, so lonely and so cold;
Just like a lamb that has strayed, from the fold;
Across the barren waste of sin I roam,
Oh Gentle Shepherd hear my cry and lead me Home.

The hours go by, on frightened wings of flight;
While wolves of hell are waiting, for the night;
To claim the soul that wanders, from the fold;
Oh Gentle Shepherd, hear my cry and save my soul.

Oh Gentle Shepherd, hear my lonely cry;
And in thy cool green pastures, let me lie;
Beside the still clear waters, lead thou me
Oh Gentle Shepherd, safe forevermore with thee.

Gentle Shepherd, do not leave me,
I need your eyes, to find my way;
Gentle Shepherd, do not leave me;
I need your feet, that I may never stray.
In your pastures, there is manna;
For my hungry, thirsty soul;
There is refuge, and tender mercy;
There is life, like I have never known!

If I wander, from your pasture;
Lord bring me back, into the fold:
Gentle Shepherd, Great Provider,
For everything, dear to my soul.
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