There is a man by the name of 
He was sent to us by God
that He might save us,
You can read all about
Him in the Bible
He’s got the power to bring
to our lives a revival.

Do you want to be
freed from your sins
Do you want to be
washed from within
Do you want to start
once again
The man Jesus can do It all.

He says come to me all who labour
and are heavy laden
Take my yoke and learn from me,
For my yoke is easy and
my burden light

Am the true vine
and my Father is the dresser
And you are the branches
I’m the Bread of Life and the resurrection
And I’m the way and
the truth and the light.

Jesus came to us, to save not to
condemn you
He lived a life of sorrows with joy
But be of cheer,
He defeated the world x 2
The man Jesus can do It all.
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