There was a man in olden days,
Elijah was His name,
Because the sin did so abound
He prayed and stopped the rain,
And for three years or
more were told,
They never had a shower,
For God in heaven answered then,
Elijah’s prayer of power.

Elijah’s God still lives today
Oh blessed be His name
And when His children to
Him pray
He answers still the same,
Yes He controls the universe
All things obey His word,
And when by faith we call
on Him,
Our humble prayer He hears.

He gathered all the
priests of Baal,
To call upon their god,
They cried to him the whole
day long,
He answered not a word,
But when Elijah called on God,
Before the people there,
The Lord sent fire from heaven above,
Because He heard his prayer.

Then to the top of Carmels mount,
The holy prophet went
And prayed unto the Lord again,
That rain once more be seen,
He poured his heart unto his God,
Nor was his prayer in vain,
The clouds in heaven again
were seen,
God sent a mighty rain.
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