When burdens seem so hard to bear;
That no earthly man can share,
Drives away the smiles and leaves
My heart in pain:
But my Father from above,
Speaks to me in tones of love,
Wipes away the tears and
Makes me smile again.
I need no mansion here below
For Jesus said that I would go;
To a home beyond the clouds
Not made with hands,
Won’t you come and go along,
We will sing the sweetest songs,
Ever played upon the harps,
In glory land.
Oh to me the thought is sweet
That the loved ones I will see,
At the ending of my journey here below,
It seems I hear their voices blend,
In that world without an end
I won’t worry when my time
has come to go.
When Jesus comes to claim His own,
I will move to my new home;
We’ll talk and walk with Him
Along the streets,
A mansion there is awaiting me:
Soon it’s beauty I shall see,
In that city where we never more
shall roam.
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