Once more my soul the Saviour
through the world
Is offered full and free
And now Oh Lord I must,
I must decide,
Shall I accept of Thee.
Iwill, l will,
I will God helping me
I will Oh Lord be Thine
Thy precious blood was shed
to purchase me
I will be wholly Thine.
By grace I will Thy mercy now receive
Thy love my heart has won
On Thee Oh Christ I will,
I will believe
And trust in Thee alone.
Thou knowest Lord,
how very weak I am
And how I fear to stray,
For strength to serve I look to
Thee alone,
The strength Thou must supply.
And now Oh Lord give
all with us to stay
Thy grace to join our song,
And from the heart to gladly
with us stay
I will to Christ belong.
To all who came when
Thou was here below,
And said, Oh Lord will Thou?
To them I will, was ever your reply
We rest upon it now.
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