Some people say, 
this is old time religion
It’s just a thing of the past,
But in these modern days
that we are living
It’s just the thing that will last.
Well, you may think I’m a
little old fashioned
Well, friends that’s alright for me:
But I am so glad that I am a
Christian from sins I have
been set free.

I know, I know, there is no
doubt about it,
He lives in my heart and am
gonna shout it, I know,
I know, my sins were all forgiven
And am on my way to a
place that’s called heaven.

Not long ago, in an old
fashioned meeting I knelt there
on my knees and I prayed,
He lifted my burdens sins
shackles fell from me
His presence was present
Now that the load I carry is lighter,
He’s turned my grey skies to blue.
My steps are higher I have
this assurance
That His sweet love will
carry me through

Come let us go to a land over yonder,
Its prepared for the pure and the true
It’ a place where sickness and death
can’t enter
I’m going my friend how about you?
May be today or may be tomorrow
He’ll return
In robes of pure white:
Am packing up now getting all things
Who knows He may come tonight.
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