My Lord can do anything,
anytime, anywhere,
My Lord can do anything,
He makes the lame to rise and walk,
The deaf to hear,
the blind to see,
My Lord can do anything.
He calmed the raging storms
with His Word
Peace be still’ Jesus said
and that was all;
He raised the dead Lazarus,
after four days in the grave,
(My Lord x2) can do anything.
Let your hearts not be troubled
my Jesus said,
As you believe in the Father
believe in Me,
In my Father’s house there are
many mansions there;
Behold I go to prepare
you a place.
Then to the twelve disciples
Jesus said;
Behold I go to the Father,
but I’ll return, If you abide in my Word
then Ill abide in you,
And then by my power you will do anything.’
How my heart doth rejoice
just to know
That one morning my Lord shall
speak and all be changed
Then He shall call the names of saints
And from the dead they shall
rise in the resurrection morning,
My Lord can do everything!
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