I look and see earth’s
sorrowing picture,
The hoarding mobs for selfish gain;
Their toil of life for ease and comfort,
Can they not see, their doom is sealed,
it’s all in vain.
The end is here, it’s now at hand,
The Bride is gathering
the world is failing
Israel’s awakening;
Nations are breaking
Our prophet taught us,
we believe the end is here.
Sirs, this is the time!
Our prophet spoke of,
The Angel came with a shout,
The mountain shook
as His Voice cried out,
Time is no more loud and clear
the Shout went forth.
Have you considered the end-time
Have you considered Malachi 4?
Revelation 10:7 and St. Luke 17
Proclaims this Message now, and
then forevermore.
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